Blog by Fatimazahra Elmahjour, Student at Amchyot Sellam Ben Bouchetta Meknes School

This past school year was a special year in my life because I had the opportunity to participate in a meeting alongside several teachers and the director of my high school to develop together the first-ever participatory School Improvement Plan for our school. During this meeting we outlined the top priorities for our school and detailed specific steps to address them. This was the first official meeting that I had ever attended in my life, and it was such an honor to be selected as a student representative. As a student representative, I had the opportunity to advocate on behalf of my fellow students and discuss the many difficulties and challenges we face daily in my rural high school of 444 students.

Participants at the meeting for the School Improvement Plan at Amchyot Sellam Ben Bouchetta Meknes school—one of 90 institutions participating in MCC’s Morocco Compact.

Steering Committee meeting at Amchyot Sellam Ben Bouchetta Meknes school.

Sharing my ideas on how to improve the lives of students, especially the most marginalized—such as girls living in rural communities—really increased my confidence, and it gave me great joy to serve as a voice for the students. This confidence and experience have encouraged me to focus on my education and continue my studies. Unfortunately, many girls in my region leave school early for a variety of reasons, but I am more determined than ever to finish my studies and get my diploma. I also look forward to helping my school implement its School Improvement Plan, part of which is to help rural girls stay in school and finish their studies.