
Secondary Education Project: visual arts to combat negative phenomena in schools

Art, in general, and the educational audiovisual tool, in particular, can contribute to the fight against the negative phenomena apparent in the school milieu. The high schools Errahali El Farouk, El Bouhtouri and Oued Eddahab, beneficiaries of the "Secondary Education" project in the Marrakech-Safi Region, have adhered to this vision and have rethought their ways of sensitizing students and approaching some sensitive phenomena through role-playing games, short films and simulated television programs.


Indeed, negative behaviors in schools cannot be attributed solely to individual factors, as they are influenced by a set of conditions in the school environment, such as the educational setting, the teaching and learning conditions, the quality of interpersonal relationships and the quality of the physical and social environment.


By focusing on unifying projects, these high schools were able to deconstruct stereotypes using art and creativity while addressing, in a playful and educational way, issues such as physical and verbal violence, drug use, harassment, dropping out of school, bullying in the school environment and digital addiction.


Thanks to the involvement of the teachers and principals of these schools, who invested in the organization of extracurricular activities to involve a wide range of students and improve the general school climate, young people had the opportunity to express, in many ways, their opinions, feelings and challenges regarding these phenomena.


By being actively involved in all stages of the creation of the short films or TV show simulations or by simply viewing the creations produced by their peers, students in these three high schools were able to gain a better understanding of these phenomena by exploring the meaning of words, actions and reactions in themselves and others, or by developing values and social skills to better deal with these situations when they arise.


In addition, these artistic projects encourage the participation of young people in civic life, especially during the national educational film competition organized by the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels (ESAV) in Marrakech, where three films produced by the students were screened. Through these activities, young people learn to accept and respect each other, which builds self-confidence and social relationships.

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